TEST Back in Action

Sprawdź czy możesz wrócić do sportu po kontuzji i czy jesteś przygotowany do sezonu sportowego. BACK IN ACTION precyzyjnie ocenia zdolności motoryczne, propriocepcji i równowagi.

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Pakiet Rehabilitacji 10 sesji - 30% taniej!

Konsultacja ortopedyczna i USG, terapia manualna/motoryczna/masaż/fizykoterapia/drenaż limfatyczny/fala uderzeniowa)

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Rehabilitacja domowa

Prowadzimy kompleksową rehabilitację i terapię ruchową w domu u pacjenta po różnych schorzeniach, w tym rehabilitację, ortopedyczną, pooperacyjną, reumatologiczną. Realizujemy wizyty domowe na terenie Krakowa i okolic.

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USG narządu ruchu

Nasza pracownia oferuje nieinwazyjne badania USG ortopedyczne oraz drobne zabiegi. Jest to precyzyjna i dynamiczna metoda diagnostyczna w ortopedii i traumatologii narządu ruchu.

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Diagnostics and operative treatment

SPORTOKLINIK is a clinic located in Krakow offering a comprehensive care list in the field of orthopedics and rehabilitation. We use the newest and current methods for treating sports injuries, degenerative joint disease and offer comprehensive rehabilitation and musculoskeletal training following injury. All our services meet the highest standards and a highly qualified medical staff cares for the safety and comfort of our patients. The SPORTOKLINIK team presents the highest level of professionalism and competence and boasts a many-year experience in the treatment of sports-related injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

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Medical services

  • Consultations in the field of sports traumatology, injuries of the musculoskeletal system, osteoarthritis and degenerative changes.
  • Arthroscopy. Ligament reconstruction. Joint endoprosthesis. Repairative and preventive operations. Foot reconstruction.
  • Rehabilitation before and after surgery. Manual therapy. Functional training. Physical therapy.
  • Orthopedic ultrasound, diagnostics of musculoskeletal injuries, ultrasound-guided procedures.
  • Orthobiology – treatments using stem cells and autologous proteins.


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Medicine for athletes and active patients

SPORTOKLINIK carries out tests to assess safe return to sport after an injury based on the BACK IN ACTION program.

Dr. Christian Fink and the team at the Fifa Medical Center of Innsbruck developed these tests to check stability, neuromuscular control, agility, strength, coordination and speed.

-After the test series, the results are analyzed, included in the protocol and evaluated with the participants.

BACK IN ACTION evaluates individual performance over time as well as compares results to other athletes.

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Research activity

Sportoklinik is made up of renowned, highly qualified doctors who have completed training in many leading centers in Europe on prestigious scholarships, including:

Our doctors share their experience and knowledge during training courses for doctors and in medical conventions, both in Poland and abroad.

  • Conventions and courses for doctors
  • Cooperation with leading sports surgery centers in Europe
  • Research publications


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