Laser therapy
This treatment involves the use of laser beams in order to deliver energy to tissues located up to a few centimeters under the surface of the skin. It has effects which are anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, spasmolytic, analgesic, stimulate metabolism, accelerate nerve regeneration.
Indications for laser therapy:
- osteoarthritis
- calcaneal spur
- rheumatoid arthritis
- pain syndromes, e.g. cervical and lumbar discopathy
- ankylosing spondylitis
- enthesopathy
- periarticular inflammation
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- peripheral neuralgias, e.g. trigeminal nerve neuralgia, sciatica
- Dupuytren’s disease
- acceleration of wound and ulcer healing
- postoperative healing of the abdominal cavity
- treatment of hematomas
- pressure ulcers, trophic skin lesions
- acute and chronic muscle pain
- injuries and sprains of knee ligaments
- bursitis, epicondylitis, inflammation of tendon sheaths
- delayed bone union
Contraindications to laser therapy:
- cancer
- pregnancy and breastfeeding
- epilepsy
- light sensitivity
- bleeding disorders
- numbness
- uncontrolled diabetes