Manual therapy is a highly specialized branch of physiotherapy dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of various types of functional disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. It involves working on joints, muscles, ligaments, fascia and peripheral nerves. The basis of manual therapy is a detailed interview and patient exam in order to determine the cause of the problem. The physical exam regarding manual therapy involves, but is not limited to: palpation, examination of joint congruency, range of motion, and muscle strength. After examination, the therapist chooses the appropriate techniques in order to restore function and elimiate pain. Manual therapy is itself painless, however the patient can at times feel slight discomfort during the procedure.

Undoubtedly a great advantage of manual therapy is that, thanks to the possibility of using various techniques (e.g. mobilization, stretching, physical manipulation, massage, neuromobilization) along with well executed procedures, patients can expect almost immediate effects. Thanks to this patients are able to overcome their lost functionality and can return to their daily activity level, all without pain. Such effects are expected from appropriate rehabilitation, available in Kraków at SPORTOKLINIK.

The indications for use of manual therapy are, among others:

  • spine and joint pain
  • postural defects
  • patients who have undergone joint replacement surgery
  • joint injuries
  • sprains
  • ligament injury
  • degenerative joint disease or inhibited range of motion following fractures, dislocations, sprains, surgery (for example, following ACL reconstruction)
  • headaches, migraines, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue
  • neuralgia, limb numbness, discopathy
  • anxiety, exhaustion

Contraindications to the use of manual therapy:

  • active neoplasm
  • skeletal tuberculosis
  • fractures, microfractures, advanced osteoporosis
  • extensive injuries of skin
  • arthritis and other inflammatory conditions